Wednesday, January 9, 2008

"Yes We Can"

Refraining from editorializing (yes: my tongue is swollen and bleeding from gnawing on it!), I will just allow these two incidents to speak for themselves. The incidents perfectly encapsulate, I believe, a big chunk of who the two candidates are - and what their respective campaigns are all about:

On the night before the New Hampshire primary, Hillary and Obama were both heckled during their evening rallies.

Clinton was interrupted by Fat, Sloppy Bass Turd, shouting, "Iron my shirt!" and holding a big sign with the same words on it.

"Oh the remnants of sexism, alive and well tonight," Clinton said as Fat, Sloppy Bass Turd was dragged out. "As I think has been abundantly demonstrated," Hillary continued, "I am also running to break through the highest and hardest glass ceiling."

Obama had about 10 hecklers, who began shouting from a balcony, "Abortion is an abomination!" (Okay - a brief editorial here :) Had they been a little brighter, perhaps they'd have created signs playing off the candidate's name and the word "abomination."But they weren't.) Obama's vocal supporters began chanting back "Obama! Obama!" and drowning out the protesters' voices.

Obama quieted the crowd. Then he said, "Let me just say this though. Some people got organized to do that. That's part of the American tradition we are proud of. And that's hard too, standing in the midst of people who disagree with you and letting your voice be heard."


Anonymous said...

Yes we can!

Did he lose? I think he won, when you look at the impact of his speech and the turnout of the voters!

cranial midget said...

Yeah; I am with ya, LT.

Maybe I have simply had a little too much of the Obama Kool Aid...but I think this "set-back" will prove to be a good thing - for the Dems, the country and Obama (and his Barackites).

Anonymous said...

He definitely is a great speaker, and not just the words of those written by others. I do like Hillary too, though. It's nice to have choices