Friday, February 8, 2008

Faux News - Insanely Imbalanced

No one reading this is gonna be shocked or surprised by this headline.

"Faux News really isn't fair and balanced? Oh my!"

Nonetheless, the Dupert Mularchy Machine marches on...finding new ways to propogandize even as their dogmatic faithful remain tuned-in and deluded.

The screenshot captured here has not been doctored in any way...they really did run this clip of McCain speaking in front of the Conservative Political Action Conference yesterday, identifying him as a Democrat. No shit. No commentary about the "mis-labeling." Nothing. Well, nothing except pure ideological hate-mongering lies.

The only reason I care is because more people watch Faux News than any other cable news channel. WTF is wrong with these Americans?

Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised (even though it seems to always amaze me).

We didn't elect Bush once. No...he was elected twice.

At least we have a chance to break out of this divisiveness. A chance to redeem ourselves.

We have a lot more in common as Americans than these idealogues (particularly on the right - but both sides are guilty) want us to see or admit to.

Mamas for Obama: Unite!



JeanGenie said...

As a mama for Obama, I'm horribly irritated by the conservative pundits on a regular basis. That said, I'm equally offended on behalf of John McCain who (while not getting my vote in November) doesn't deserve the blame heaped on him by idiots like Limbaugh, Coulter, and Lars Larson (who does great disfavor to his Scandanavian comrades, by the way).

Anonymous said...

Hey, CM -
Mail me at so we can link up on

I let your other half know about it as well.


Anonymous said...


We didn't elect Bush twice. The Supreme Court appointed him the first time (and later research showed that Gore actually won that election) And the second one - most of those who voted wanted the other guy. I can't spell Algezeera so I can't tell you what I think of Fox News.
And let's remember - McCain getting this means Ann Coulter is now a Hillary supporter!