Friday, September 5, 2008

The Politics of Marriage

I just like that for a title...I'll spare you a 3-part treatise on the punditry of matrimony.

I AM a little bummed it took me so long to get to another post, but between getting hitched, the post-ceremonial vacation, and the ensuing recovery (I was sick the night we returned and that lasted for a week - plus I was already behind at work from being gone for 11 days).

That's my excuse, anyway. To say nothing about the conventions...which have been eating up my time, too. I just feel that my efforts are better spent writing letters to the paper than the kind of self-serving fluff that usually ends up in most public, blogs.

I promise: the next entry will be marriage/honeymoon related, with the meantime, my letter to the editor:

An Eloquent Deception

Palin gave a fine speech, as was expected. Did anyone think she'd stutter or freeze with stage fright? My critique of her speech is the same critique I have of the Republican Party in general: they have no substantive ideas or positive arguments.

One example of Palin's deception: She was for the "Bridge to Nowhere" before she was against it. And, Palin kept the $400 million that was slated for the bridge and used it for other pork-barrel projects in Alaska - it's not like she returned that money. To make matters worse, she also spent $39 million on the road that led to the defunct bridge - after knowing the bridge would not be built. Talk about wasteful spending!

What caught me off guard were the mean, sarcastic, small-minded barbs of anger delivered with a derisive smile. There is nothing in the Republican playbook about appealing to our higher selves or challenging us to become a more unified nation. I guess I expected something more, something better from a McCain-led campaign. Instead, he has become that which he despised.

McBush, Palin and the Republican leaders want to keep us on our present course: a road to nowhere. Don't be fooled again! America is better than this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's my problem with her, plain and simple-- the rhetoric she DOES use, what is substantive, is found in the way the Republicans are once again manipulating Americans to vote for someone they LIKE instead of someone that should represent them.

So, let use the "Hockey (sounds ALOT like Soccer to me) Mom" twist to pull the almost-convinced women away from their senses, and by the way, with a that Hotty-Mc-Rough-and-Hotness she's got banging around there, let's just see if we can "nail" a few more blue collar boys.

No, I am not jealous. I am agreeing. But I am pissed because I can already see that it's going to work on some of those IDIOTIC (yes you ARE STOOOOOOO PID) Hillary supporters who think that they should trade their souls away for "someone that is like them" (ie. either white, or with a vagina.)

Kill me now. Please.