Thursday, July 3, 2008


DOE! As in...earlier this week, I had an experience that seemed to transmigrate my being straight into a French Surrealist movie from the 1920s (or maybe a David Lynch or Paul Thomas Anderson sequence). In a pre-caffeinated stupor, I went outside to retrieve the morning paper, like I do every day of the week. Only this time, an odd sound struck my ear just as I was taking the first of 13 steps off the front porch, beginning my descent to the sidewalk. It sounded a bit like horse's hooves hitting asphalt. A brown blur caught my eye. A flash of white. Understand this: I live in the 'hood - I mean, really: the 'hood. We are two miles from the heart of downtown KCMO. Eight minutes by car to the west and you are in the new Power & Light District. So I literally didn't believe my senses when I finally focused on a deer ("a female deer") running up the sidwalk across the street. I looked away, shook my head and looked again. It had stopped at the intersection of a (not busy) street three houses up. It then turned around, crossed the street and ran past me, into a neighbor's backyard. I went to look...but it was gone-daddy-gone. The apocalypse is nigh.

DOH! As My dear (get it?) friend Elizabeth shook me out of my blogstupor. Will it last? I doh!no - but I applaud and appreciate that someone even noticed my absence from the blogworld.

Dough! As in...mmm...someone brought in Lamar's Donuts to work today...and shared!

DODO! As in...I have allowed the Hopeful Curmudgeon to go the way of the friggin dodo bird... it's become extinct or obsolete, it's fallen out of common usage or practice, it's become a thing of the past.

Will the resurrection sustain itself?

HA! I guess (if anyone is still checking) you will have to check back in (again) to learn the answer!


Anonymous said...

Should we lay bets?


EHoward said...

I love Lamar's Donut... mmmm... I wish I had some right now!

Thank GOD you woke up! Was it the DEAR or the DEER? Maybe both!